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The impact of smartphone App on lifestyle and health outcomes

Meet the Researchers: Adi Berliner-Senderey, Efrat Aharonov-Majar, Samah Hayek, Tom, Muskat,  Ofer Hadas, Eyal Jacobson, Ran Balicer



Physical inactivity is a public health concern. It contributes to approximately 3.2 million deaths annually and is the fourth leading risk factor for premature death. The benefits of physical activity have been extensively studied and include improved overall health outcomes. However, the compliance to physical activity is very low, as well as the persistent on physical activity is low.


To improve the physical activity and its persistence among Clalit members.


The growth in mobile technologies has also stimulated the growth in health and fitness apps to provide behavioral interventions that can reach large populations; and have proven to facilitate health behavior change across different population groups. 

Intervention provided by Clalit:

In Israel, Clalit Health services (CHS) provided a smartphone based physical activity intervention, “Clalit Active” that aims to assist in adopting a healthy lifestyle, anywhere and anytime.

אפליקציית אקטיב - לקוחות כללית מושלם מתחילים לחיות בריא ומקבלים הטבות

אפליקציית אקטיב - לקוחות כללית מושלם מתחילים לחיות בריא ומקבלים הטבות

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