Open Call for Mental Health Solutions
The devastating attacks on October 7th on our civilians, and the ongoing conflict since, has an overwhelming surge in patient needs that is not expected to diminish in the coming months.
Our members who directly and indirectly witnessed horrific violence, those displaced from their homes, and those who provided care to these groups under tremendous stress – are at higher risk and need for
acute and ongoing mental health care, which in many cases surpasses the current system capacity.
To address these unprecedented challenges, Clalit Health Services invites innovative companies
to join us and collaborate in the purpose of implementing and testing suitable solutions.
In this call for proposals, we are looking for collaborations in the domain of mental health,
seeking companies involved in responding to the following needs:
Patient risk stratification and care prioritization tools.
Staff assignment and e-clinic management
Mental health intake tools that facilitate Human-resource-sparing patient intake, including those that are AI-powered assessment, EHR case summarization, and documentation of therapy sessions.
Evidence based self-diagnosis and self-care tools (including chatbots, biofeedback tools, VR/AR etc.)
Healthcare professionals' training and tools for emotional support of staff.
Any other solution that may impact mental health care access and provision.
Companies with mature products, whether approved, or in regulatory approval process, that are willing and able to adapt their tools for local use, including Hebrew translation.
Collaboration Offer
Relevant companies will be eligible for expedited discussions towards contracting, multi-institution pilot programs, and long-term contracts based on successful outcomes.
Process & Timelines
Application deadline: 24 Nov 2023
Offer deemed appropriate will be notified by 8 December 2023.
For questions and clarifications, please contact us: