Carmel Innovation Center
Carmel medical center is a leading medical center ,a community oriented hospital with unique outstanding services.
We are committed to perform medical research and training, in order to deliver the best, innovative and holistic treatment to patients and families.
characterized by close connections and continuity of care between community healthcare in Clalit's Haifa district and the hospital, many of the hospital's senior doctors also work in the community medical centers - where we lead clinical excellence.
Carmel's fields of excellence include - Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Surgical oncology (lung, liver, pancreas, kidneys, head and neck, gynecology, breast) including robotic surgery, OBGyN, Hematoncology, Genetics, Pathology and more.
The center's mission is to provide safe and advanced medical care that is efficient, and available, by a multidisciplinary team, working in harmony and understanding the role of innovation in solving the organization's challenges.
Our innovation activities focus on a several key areas, including remote medicine services, continuity of care, and work processes improvement.
Innovate with us
We are looking for partnerships and solutions that meet our internal organizational challenges as well as our hospital-community continuity of care challenges.
Contact us today:

Clalit Innovation Network
Clalit's innovation network includes twelve innovation centers, spread in our hospitals and the community. Each of these innovation centers has a unique purpose and characteristic, which is derived from its unique population, its geographical location, and the centers of excellence in the hospital or district, among other factors.
The challenges and areas of practice of the centers are based on real-life needs that clinicians, therapists, and other employees encounter every day.
Clalit's innovation centers share their accumulated knowledge and projects, whether they are cross-organizational or cross-clinical.
Our Innovation Centers Manager and Business Development team will be glad to receive your request and maintain collaborations in any way they can: